Blends available
Blends available
Blends available
Blends available
Blends available

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Handy essential oil rollers, 12ml. These small rollers are handy to pop into your handbag or pocket. They roll easily onto the skin. Various blends are available for different concerns.

C Calm - May help with anxiety, contains Neroli, Bergamot & Lavender

M Muscles - May help with tight muscles & sore overused areas of muscle, contains Ginger, Cinnamon & Bergamot. Avoid during pregnancy

V Vibe - May help to creat a relaxed feeling in the body and feel more grounded in a space, contains Patchouli, Basil & Cinnamon. Avoid during pregnancy

Having 27 years experience as a Therapeutic Massage Therapist, I have developed an essential oil roller that can be applied to the skin. Essential oils are in a sweet almond oil base. The oils are rolled onto the skin and absorbed into the bloodstream. They can assist with the concerns you have.

Please remember to contact a Health Professional with any concerns you have about your health.

Can be posted in NZ


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